Stop waiting and start doing

Receive and preview files from anyone. Only import the files you need. Get out of your email inbox and get on with your work.

Save time

Get instant access to the files you need. No more downloading and uploading, so you can get on with your work. Get instant access to the files you need.

Receive from anyone

Anyone can upload to you – not just those on DISCO. Send DISCO to DISCO instantly.

Receive from your distributor, or send from your own system via our API.

Streamline your workflow

Work starts with receiving files. DISCO makes reviewing submissions a cinch. Only import what you need. Review on the go with the mobile app.

Everything in one place

Consolidate your music and never lose a file again.

You would be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t use DISCO. It’s revolutionary, seamless, and clean.

It’s unmatched.

Shannon Choi, A&R Manager, Pulse Music

Revolutionize your music workflow with a free trial.