The industry standard for sharing music

Curate and share beautifully designed playlists and Catalogs with your network.

Everything in its right place

Give your network everything they need in one place – streaming, download, metadata, artist and rights information. Access anywhere, on any device.

Fast and flexible

Do more with flexible share options – share one track, a playlist, or a whole catalog. Share any type of file.

Update files and playlists in app, and changes are instantly reflected for your receivers.

Deep insight into engagement

Track detailed access activity of music you share – opens, streams, and downloads. Get actionable insights, instantly.

Secure and safe

Only people you share with can access your music. Add security with watermarking, password protection, and expiring URLs.

“DISCO makes it so much more likely for supervisors to pay attention to your music ... and get you paid.”

Chip Herter, Music Director, Deutsch

Revolutionize your music workflow with a free trial.